Woburn DUI Attorneys
The Woburn District Court is located at 30 Pleasant Street, Woburn, MA. This court is where all cases that originate out of Burlington, North Reading, Reading, Stoneham, Wilmington, Winchester, and Woburn are handled. All cases in the Woburn District Court are prosecuted by the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office. The Woburn District Court handles arraignments, pre-trials, motions, and trials.
Attorneys James G. DeGiacomo and Sergey Mikhlin have handled many different types of cases out of the Woburn District Court. For more information, see below.
The Three Elements of DUI/OUI
The Commonwealth, represented by the District Attorney’s Office, must prove three things to convict someone of OUI.
First: The Commonwealth must prove that the Defendant was operating a motor vehicle. This means that the defendant was in control of a motor vehicle, and that the vehicle’s power was operational.
Second: The Commonwealth must prove that the motor vehicle was operating on a public way. This means that the road or area the vehicle was located in was one where the public had the right to access.
Third: The Commonwealth must prove that the defendant’s ability to operate safely was diminished by alcohol or drugs. This can be done through scientific tests, such as a breathalyzer or blood test, or through the observations of the police.
DeGiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C.
James G. DeGiacomo and Sergey Mikhlin are experienced Woburn DUI Attorney, who have successfully defended many clients in the Woburn District Court. If you were arrested for DUI or OUI in the Woburn area, call DeGiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C. right away. They are available 24/7 at (617) 941-3666 for free consultations.

What Makes This Firm Different?
Feel Confident in Choosing Degiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C.
Available to Clients 24/7
Nearly a Decade of Legal Experience
Successfully Defended Hundreds of Clients
Former Prosecutors & Knows How That Side Thinks
Represented Clients in MA District, Superior, & Appellate Courts