Suffolk County DUI Lawyer
Respected Defense Attorneys Serving Boston & Beyond
Important Advice from a Suffolk County DUI Lawyer
If you have been charged with a DUI, you probably have a lot of unanswered questions. The police and prosecutor are not inclined to give you quality advice. And trying to make sense of the information you find online can be a huge hassle. In order to do what is best for yourself and your case, follow this advice from a practicing Suffolk County DUI lawyer:
- Obey All Traffic Laws – Obviously, the best way to avoid a DUI is not to drink and drive. Second to that is not getting pulled over. Make sure you know all the local traffic laws, major and minor, and follow them to the letter whenever you are behind the wheel.
- Act Politely – Getting rude or tough with the officer who pulls you over is never a smart solution. Any Suffolk County DUI lawyer will tell you that this kind of aggressive behavior can negatively impact your case even months down the road.
- Refuse to Answer Questions – If an officer pulls you over on suspicion of DUI, you are likely going to be arrested no matter what you do. Don’t give the police and prosecutors more evidence to use against you by answering any questions about your alcohol consumption.
- Refuse the Field Sobriety Test – For the same reasons that we discussed above, you should refuse to do anything that demonstrates to the arresting officer that you are impaired while behind the wheel.
- Contact a Lawyer – You have a right to seek out the counsel of a Suffolk County DUI lawyer as soon as you are charged with a DUI. Make sure you make your desire to have a lawyer present known immediately. Then refuse to cooperate with the DUI investigation until after you have spoken to your Suffolk County DUI lawyer. This is fully within your rights, and the arresting officer is in breach of the law if he or she refuses to comply.
If there is one piece of advice you take away from this article, it’s that you need legal representation immediately. Contact DeGiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C. by calling (617) 941-3666.

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