Stoughton DUI Attorney | Norfolk County OUI Attorneys
The Stoughton District Court is located at 1288 Central Street in Stoughton, MA. This court is where all cases that originate out of Avon, Canton, Stoughton, and Sharon are handled. All cases in the Stoughton District Court are prosecuted by the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office. Stoughton District Court is a small courthouse with only one courtroom open each day. Because of this, all jury trials are heard in Dedham District Court.
Attorneys James G. DeGiacomo and Sergey Mikhlin have handled many different types of cases out of the Stoughton District Court. For more information, see below.
What To Expect During Your Stoughton DUI Arraignment
When charged with a DUI or OUI, it is important to understand what occurs at the arraignment. While the arraignment is usually uneventful, an experienced Stoughton OUI Attorney is recommended to ensure that you are protected.
During the arraignment you will be advised of the formal charge against you. Usually, that is it, and you get another date and go home, however, in certain cases, the prosecutor will ask for bail or conditions of release.
- Bail: Bail is a certain amount of money that is required to be paid so you can go home. If bail is set and you cannot pay it, you will be held in the Dedham House of Corrections until you are able to pay the bail or the case ends. Bail is typically rare with first offense OUI cases. However, it is often ordered when you are facing a subsequent offence charge.
- Conditions of Release: These are certain conditions that a person is ordered to adhere to during the case. Often they include to refrain from drinking and to be tested to ensure your compliance. It is most common to see these in second or third offense OUIs – especially if you were only recently in court. While in theory these conditions don’t seem hard to obey, they often can cause people problems at work as you will need to take time off to ensure that you test when the court wants.
- Held Without Bail: While rare, it is possible to find yourself held without bail – meaning that you will be sent to the jail until your next court date. This can only occur in two circumstances: (1) If you have an open case, or (2) if you this is your third or greater offense. Just because you may be held without bail doesn’t mean that you will be. However, it is important that you contact an experienced Stoughton Criminal Defense Attorney to ensure that you put yourself in the best possible position. However, it is important that you contact an experienced Stoughton Criminal Defense Attorney to ensure that you put yourself in the best possible position.
Stoughton DUI Lawyers James G. DeGiacomo and Sergey Mikhlin have handled thousands of arraignments in Massachusetts, and are able to evaluate each situation to determine what risks you face.
DeGiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C.
James G. DeGiacomo and Sergey Mikhlin are experienced Stoughton DUI Attorneys who have successfully defended many clients in the Stoughton District Court. If you were arrested for DUI or OUI in the Stoughton area, call DeGiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C. right away. They are available 24/7 at (617) 941-3666 for free consultations.

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Nearly a Decade of Legal Experience
Successfully Defended Hundreds of Clients
Former Prosecutors & Knows How That Side Thinks
Represented Clients in MA District, Superior, & Appellate Courts