New Bedford DUI Attorneys
The New Bedford District Court is located at 75 N. Sixth Street, in New Bedford, MA. This court is where all cases that originate out of Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Freetown, New Bedford, and Westport are handled. All cases in the New Bedford District Court are prosecuted by the Bristol County District Attorney’s Office. The New Bedford District Court handles arraignments, pre-trials, motions, and trials.
Attorneys James G. DeGiacomo and Sergey Mikhlin have handled many different types of cases out of the New Bedford District Court. For more information, see below.
Common DUI Question: Can I plead the case down to reckless driving?
This is a common question that is asked of DeGiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C., and it is understandable – no one wants an OUI conviction and all the headaches, such as classes, fines and lengthy driver’s license suspensions, that come along with it. Unfortunately, except in extremely rare circumstances, the prosecutor will not allow you to plead to a “lessor” offense. The reason for this is purely optics. Because the District Attorney is an elected official, they do not want to be seen as “soft on drunk drivers.” That includes cases that are almost impossible for them to prove. As this is the case, it is important to speak with an experienced New Bedford DUI Attorney, who can put you in the best position to succeed.
DeGiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C.
James G. DeGiacomo and Sergey Mikhlin are experienced New Bedford DUI Attorneys, who have successfully defended many clients in the New Bedford District Court. If you were arrested for DUI or OUI in the New Bedford area, call DeGiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C. right away. They are available 24/7 at (617) 941-3666 for free consultations.

What Makes This Firm Different?
Feel Confident in Choosing Degiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C.
Available to Clients 24/7
Nearly a Decade of Legal Experience
Successfully Defended Hundreds of Clients
Former Prosecutors & Knows How That Side Thinks
Represented Clients in MA District, Superior, & Appellate Courts