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Standard Sentences and Fees for First and Second Offense OUI

Respected Defense Attorneys Serving Boston & Beyond

If you have been charge with an OUI then it is important to know what the standard sentence and fees are if you plead or are convicted. This blog post will detail this information for First and Second Offense OUI or DUI. This information is in regards to the standard case, meaning that if you are charged with a First or Second Offense OUI this will likely be the outcome if you plead or are found guilty – however, the court has the ability to give you a harsher sentence should it choose to do so.

First Offense OUI – Standard Disposition (Plea) – You will be placed on probation for one year, typically in the form of a Continuance Without a Finding (CWOF). You will lose your license for 45 days, you must enter and complete the 24D program, and you must pay the fines and fees detailed below.

First Offense OUI – Standard Disposition (Conviction After Trial) – You will be placed on probation for one year. You will lose your license for 45 days, you must enter and complete the 24D program, and you must pay the fines and fees detailed below.

First Offense OUI – Fines & Fees - $250.00 (Head Injury Fee) + $50.00 (Victim/Witness Fee) + $50.00 (OUI Assessment) + $780.00 (Probation Service Fee) + $867.76 (24D Program Fee) + $250.00 (OUI State Fee) = $2,247.76

Second Offense OUI – Standard Disposition – You will be placed on probation for two years. You will lose your license for two years, you must enter and complete a fourteen-day in-patient treatment program at the Tewksbury State Hospital, and you must pay the fines and fees detailed below.

First Offense OUI – Fines & Fees - $250.00 (Head Injury Fee) + $50.00 (Victim/Witness Fee) + $50.00 (OUI Assessment) + $1,560.00 (Probation Service Fee) + $1,631.70 (In-Patient Treatment Program Fee) = $3,541.70.

Again, these are only the typical sentences and fees. Because every case is different, it is important to consult with an experienced DUI attorney prior to making decisions about your case.